Visual Web and the Formation of Learning Motivation in Virtual Environments: A Review

Education is an important factor in human life, because with education students gain knowledge and skills. Through education, intelligent, insightful, qualified generations can be created, who are expected to bring change to a nation (Sumianti, 2023). Research methods are the framework used to collect, analyze and interpret the data needed to answer research questions. In the context of this review, we use descriptive research methods and literature review analysis to explore the impact of using Visual Web on the formation of student learning motivation in virtual learning environments. The results of this review reveal a number of important findings related to the impact of using Visual Web on forming student learning motivation in virtual learning environments. virtual learning environment. The findings include the following aspects: This review highlights the importance of Visual Web technology in increasing students’ learning motivation in virtual learning. The information visualization, interactivity, ease of access, and possible social aspects offered by the Visual Web can motivate students to learn more actively and effectively. However, the use of this technology must be properly guided to ensure optimal learning quality.

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