Learning Packets: Its Effect On The Learners’ Cognitive And Psychomotor Skills
- Rowel D. Jano
- 1,2,3Bohol Island State University- Candijay, Bohol, Philippines
The primary objective of the study was to determine the relationship between the level of preparation and implementation of the kindergarten learning packets and its effect on learners’ cognitive and psychomotor skills in public elementary schools. It employed descriptive- documentary and survey method with aid of adapted from Student Experience on a Module Survey of The Open University, Module Evaluation Questionnaire of Aston University and Sample Pre-Inspection Questionnaires for Early Learning and Children’s Settings of Education Scotland- Foghlam Alba. There were one hundred (100) parents, one hundred (100) pupils and twenty (20) teachers. The findings suggest that the parameter has meaningful link between cognitive skills and the extent of learning packet implementation. The results indicated a non-significant association based on a chi-square analysis was performed to investigate the significant association between cognitive skills and the preparation level of learning packets. Further, there is insufficient evidence to establish a meaningful link between psychomotor skills and the extent of learning packet implementation and the psychomotor skills and the extent of learning packet preparation. This study concludes that the level of preparation and implementation of the kindergarten learning packets have less effect on learners’ cognitive and psychomotor skills. However, the preparation and implementation of learning packets are of high quality, but the psychomotor and cognitive skills of the learners do not quiet show it. Additionally, pupils’ learning behavior greatly contributes to improving learning performance. Pupils’ attitude toward the learning process also influences how well they perform