God: Matter or Antinature? A Critical Analysis of the Quiddity of God

The debate on the nature of God has dominated the human religious discourse since man gained the God consciousness. All religions are agreed on the existence of God or the gods. While those who uphold polytheism do not dwell too much on the nature of a god, more often than not imply a material god in their religious practices. For believers in monotheism, the quiddity of God, on the other hand, is a big deal. It is central to the belief in God itself. A material God definitely has deafening reverberations on the monotheistic pantheon. The expectations of humans from a material God would be different. Human response to such a God would definitely be different from that of a God that is other than the universe. The determination of this question has significantly decisive moral implications. It also reverberates on the meaning of human existence, and on religious expectations on the fate of man beyond death. This research disinterestedly analyses literature on the nature of God, and observed practices of man in the worship of the divine. It is the aim of this work to either take an informed position at the end of the study or throw more light on the nature the question itself.

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