UKR Publisher – Universal Knowledge Research Publisher, our editorial guidelines ensure a transparent, fair, and high-quality publishing process. Editors, reviewers, and authors must adhere to these guidelines to maintain academic integrity and scholarly excellence.

1. Editorial Board Responsibilities

  • The editorial board oversees the peer-review process, ensuring rigorous evaluation of manuscripts.
  • Editors maintain confidentiality and handle manuscripts impartially.
  • The board ensures that ethical publishing practices are followed, addressing any concerns related to plagiarism, conflicts of interest, or data integrity.
  • Final decisions on manuscript acceptance or rejection are based solely on academic merit and reviewer recommendations.

2. Manuscript Handling and Review Process

  • All submitted manuscripts undergo initial screening for format, plagiarism, and scope suitability.
  • Eligible manuscripts proceed to a double-blind peer-review process, ensuring unbiased evaluation.
  • Editors select qualified reviewers based on expertise in the subject area.
  • Reviewer comments are sent to authors for revisions and improvements before final editorial evaluation.
  • The editorial team ensures timely communication with authors and reviewers throughout the process.

3. Ethical Standards and Plagiarism Policy

  • Editors ensure all manuscripts comply with ethical research and publication standards.
  • Plagiarism detection software is used to identify duplicate or unethical content.
  • If ethical misconduct is identified, the editorial board may reject, retract, or request corrections for a manuscript.
  • Editors handle conflicts of interest transparently and recuse themselves from decisions where necessary.

4. Decision-Making and Publication

  • Editors make final publication decisions based on reviewer recommendations, manuscript quality, and relevance.
  • If revisions are required, authors must address all reviewer concerns before final acceptance.
  • Accepted articles undergo proofreading and formatting before publication.

5. Post-Publication Responsibilities

  • The editorial team ensures continued access and archiving of published research.
  • Any post-publication corrections, clarifications, or retractions follow industry best practices.
  • Authors and readers can report concerns about published content, which will be reviewed by the editorial board.