Language: Only English-language papers are accepted.

Page Format: Manuscripts should be formatted as A4-sized Microsoft Word documents with 1-inch margins on all four sides. The text must be in Times New Roman, font size 12, single-column format. References and tables should have one space between lines. Tables and figures should be placed in the manuscript following their order of citation. The manuscript should not exceed 30 pages; additional pages may incur extra charges.

Manuscript Title: The title should be concise, accurately reflecting the study’s content.

Author Information: Include the full names, affiliations, email addresses, and phone numbers of all authors in the author information section. The corresponding author should be clearly indicated.

Abstract: The abstract should be no longer than 300 words and must summarize the research concisely. A list of keywords (up to seven) should follow the abstract. Acronyms should be expanded upon first use unless they are widely known.

Introduction: Provide a brief and clear introduction to the topic, including the study’s background, significance, and objectives.

Materials and Methods: Clearly outline the methods, techniques, and materials used in the research to ensure reproducibility.

Results and Discussion: Results and discussion may be presented together or as separate sections. This section should provide an in-depth interpretation of findings with relevant comparisons and discussions.

Acknowledgments: This section should include any grant or funding information and recognition of contributions from individuals or institutions.

References: All references should be listed in the final section of the manuscript in the order they appear in the text. In-text citations should be formatted in APA style:

  • Single author: (Rahul, S., 2018)
  • Multiple authors: (Rahul et al., 2018)

Publication Fee: Upon acceptance, authors are required to pay a publication fee to cover processing and online hosting costs.

Proofreading and Publication: Proofs will be sent to the corresponding author before final publication. Authors must carefully review and approve the proof to ensure accuracy. Once finalized, the article will be published in the respective journal issue.

For further details, authors are encouraged to review our submission policies before preparing their manuscripts.